
One of the most serious complications of the treatment of severe haemophilia A is the development of alloantibodies against exogenous factor VIII (FVIII). Inhibitors render factor replacement therapy ineffective, exposing patients to a remarkably high risk of morbidity and mortality. Besides the well-known bypassing agents (i.e. activated prothrombin complex concentrate and recombinant activated factor VII) used to treat or prevent bleeding in haemophilia patients with inhibitors, there is growing interest in newer haemostatic therapies that are not based on the replacement of the deficient FVIII. This review will focus on the most interesting among these innovative therapies, emicizumab, and will provide an update on its current stage of clinical development.



Massimo Franchini - Department of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, "Carlo Poma" Hospital, Mantua; Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Giuseppe Marano - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Ilaria Pati - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Fabio Candura - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Samantha Profili - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Eva Veropalumbo - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Francesca Masiello - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Liviana Catalano - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Vanessa Piccinini - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Stefania Vaglio - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Simonetta Pupella - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

Giancarlo M. Liumbruno - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome, Italy

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